“Eventually, my nickname at school became Blanka. When I got into real fights, I even tried using some of his moves. They never worked,” said Gutierrez. “I often ask myself, what would Blanka do? I even met my wife because of this game. So yes, I owe my whole life to Blanka.”
I’m thinking that electricity move might be particularly difficult to pull off.
When I wrote about The Golden Age of x86 Gaming, I implied that, in the future, it might be an interesting, albeit expensive, idea to upgrade your video card via an external Thunderbolt 3 enclosure.
I’m here to report that the future is now.
Yes, that’s right, I
You may remember Sierra's ImagiNation network from the earliest days of dial-up networking:
The ImagiNation Network (INN), aka The Sierra Network (TSN), was the first online multiplayer gaming system. Developed by Sierra On-Line in 1989, and first available to the public in 1991, the ImagiNation Network was a
I couldn’t resist.
In the innocent era of 8-bit arcades, you made characters female by adding a cute little pixelated red bow. Just like in Ms. Sawhorse Detective.
Earlier this year I wrote about how much I loved Introversion Software’s indie PC game Darwinia. Introversion just released their newest game, DEFCON.
DEFCON channels WarGames and Balance of Power..
... but Defcon begins where Balance of Power ended:
It’s positively strangelovian.
The developers nail the mood of cold
A few months ago I wrote about what it means to stay gold — to hold on to the best parts of ourselves, our communities, and the American Dream itself. But staying gold isn’t passive. It takes work. It takes action. It takes hard conversations that ask us to confront
With a 13 billion year head start on evolution, why haven’t any other forms of life in the universe contacted us by now?
(Arrival is a fantastic movie. Watch it, but don’t stop there – read the Story of Your Life novella it was based on for so much
If you haven’t been able to keep up with my blistering pace of one blog post per year, I don’t blame you. There’s a lot going on right now. It’s a busy time. But let’s pause and take a moment to celebrate that Elon Musk