software development

software development

What's in a Project Name?

Since I started at Vertigo, here are a few of the projects I've worked on: * Michelangelo * Nash * Whiskeytown * Gobstopper These are our internal project code names. The names are chosen alphabetically from a set of items; every new project gets a name from the set. We start with

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

The Sad State of Digital Software Distribution

In this era of pervasive broadband, I'm constantly surprised how often I am forced to buy a physical CD or DVD to obtain the software I want. Physical distribution methods have their place, but they should be on the decline by now. Software is best distributed digitally through

By Jeff Atwood ·

graphics editor

Making Donations Easy

In my continuing quest for a decently full-featured graphics editor that hasn't succumbed to feature bloat, I recently installed Paint.NET for the first time. I'lll admit that I had low expectations based on the abysmal user interfaces I've experienced in other open source

By Jeff Atwood ·


Let's Play Planning Poker!

One of the most challenging aspects of any software project is estimation-- determining how long the work will take. It's so difficult, some call it a black art. That's why I highly recommend McConnell's book, Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art; it's

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

Are Features The Enemy?

Mark Minasi is mad as hell, and he's not going to take it any more. In his online book The Software Conspiracy, he examines in great detail the paradox I struggled with yesterday-- new features are used to sell software, but they're also the primary reason

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

Why Does Software Spoil?

In the software industry, the release of newer, better versions is part of the natural order. It's a relentless march towards perfection that started with the first personal computers, and continues today. We expect software to get larger and more sophisticated over time, to track with the hardware

By Jeff Atwood ·


Geek Diet and Exercise Programs

Software developers aren't typically known for their superior levels of physical fitness. I'm not overweight, exactly, but I don't think I'll be pursuing that dream career in male modelling anytime soon. I charitably call myself an indoor enthusiast. At the risk of

By Jeff Atwood ·


Do Not Buy This Book

A few friends and I just wrote a book together: The ASP.NET 2.0 Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks. I met K. Scott Allen, Jon Galloway, and Phil Haack through their excellent blogs. That online friendship carried over into real life. We always thought it'd

By Jeff Atwood ·


Revisiting Programming Fonts

I've experimented with programming fonts and IDE color schemes plenty in the past. But now that I've given in to the inevitability of ClearType on large LCDs, I've basically settled on Consolas. It's hard to beat Consolas. It's darn close

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

Software Branching and Parallel Universes

Source control is the very bedrock of software development. Without some sort of version control system in place, you can't reasonably call yourself a software engineer. If you're using a source control system of any kind, you're versioning files almost by definition. The concept

By Jeff Atwood ·


Lazyweb Calling

It's hard to pin down the exact etymology of the word Lazyweb, but it seems to have one primary meaning: 1. Asking a question of an internet audience in the hopes that they will be able to find a solution that you were too lazy or inexperienced to

By Jeff Atwood ·


Choosing Dual or Quad Core

I'm a big fan of dual-core systems. I think there's a clear and substantial benefit for all computer users when there are two CPUs waiting to service requests, instead of just one. If nothing else, it lets you gracefully terminate an application that has gone haywire,

By Jeff Atwood ·