New Job at Vertigo Software
I accepted a position at Vertigo Software today.

You may know Vertigo from one or more of the following:
- Quake II .NET (Managed C++)
- IBuySpy (ASP.NET)
- .NET Pet Shop (J2EE performance comparison)
- Fitch & Mather (Windows DNA)
- FotoVision, IssueVision (.NET Smart Client)
I’m tremendously excited to join such a high-profile group of software developers, and I can’t wait to start. I don’t actually arrive at work until Thursday, May 26, because it takes time to deal with the move from NC to CA:

I’ve mentioned Vertigo in a few of my blog posts before, Managed Code Performance and Weeding out the Weak Developers with J2EE. In the latter study, the three developers on the .NET team were all from Vertigo.