

Stupid Registry Tricks

Scott Hanselman's Power User Windows Registry Tweaks [,guid,e4786810-658a-4079-8723-05fad6b1c721.aspx] has some excellent registry editing tweaks. I've spent the last few hours poring over those registry scripts, enhancing and combining them with some favorites of my own. Here are the

By Jeff Atwood ·


Perfmon Gone Wild

When diagnosing server performance problems, the first tool I turn to is the humble Task Manager. That's usually enough to get a rough idea of where we are in the bottleneck shell game: is it CPU, Disk, Network or Memory? But sometimes you need to dig into performance

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

Steve Ballmer: Sweatiest Billionaire Ever

A colleague recently pointed me to a Steve Ballmer video I hadn't seen before; the one where he pitches Windows 1.0. All three of the Ballmer videos are essential viewing for any Windows developer: * Windows 1.0 sales pitch [] * Dance Monkeyboy

By Jeff Atwood ·


XP Automatic Update Nagging

Windows XP’s automatic update facility is clearly a good thing. Except when an update is installed that requires a reboot and you’re working on the computer at the time. Then you get this lovely dialog: As if I needed another reasom to hate dialog boxes. This is perhaps

By Jeff Atwood ·


2005: Twenty years of Windows

The year 2005 marks the 20th anniversary of Windows 1.0: The first version of Windows I actually used was Windows 3.0. Coming from an Amiga background, I was unimpressed. It wasn’t until Windows 3.1 and Windows For Workgroups 3.11 that I actually started to believe

By Jeff Atwood ·