web development
It's been six years since I wrote Discussions: Flat or Threaded? and, despite a bunch of evolution on the web since then, my opinion on this has not fundamentally changed.
If anything, my opinion has strengthened based on the observed data: precious few threaded discussion models survive on
programming languages
I was invited to judge the Rails Rumble last year, but was too busy to participate. When they extended the offer again this year, I happily accepted.
The Rails Rumble is a distributed programming competition where teams of one to four people, from all over the world, have 48 hours
The prevalence of free, open WiFi has made it rather easy for a WiFi eavesdropper to steal your identity cookie for the websites you visit while you're connected to that WiFi access point. This is something I talked about in Breaking the Web's Cookie Jar. It&
Kyle Brandt, a system administrator, asks Should Developers have Access to Production?
A question that comes up again and again in web development companies is:
"Should the developers have access to the production environment, and if they do, to what extent?"
My view on this is that as
We're currently in the midst of a CSS Zen Garden type excerise on our family of Q&A websites, which I affectionately refer to as "the Trilogy":
* Server Fault
* Super User
* Stack Overflow
* Meta Stack Overflow
(In case you were wondering, yes, meta is the
I try not to talk too much about the trilogy here, because there's a whole other blog for that stuff. But some of the lessons I've learned in the last year while working on them really put into bold relief some of my earlier blog entries
user experience
Will Work for Praise: The Web's Free-Labor Economy
describes how many of today's websites are built by the users themselves:
> It's dawn at a Los Angeles apartment overlooking the Hollywood Hills. Laura
Sweet, an advertising
Inside the Precision Hack is a great read. It's all about how the Time Magazine World's Most Influential People poll was gamed. But the actual hack itself is somewhat less impressive when you start digging into the details.
Here's the voting UI for the