software development

software development


A friend of mine recently returned the book Showstopper! after an extended loan. If you haven’t heard of this book, allow me to quote the editorial summary: Showstopper! is a vivid account of the creation of Microsoft Windows NT, perhaps the most complex software project ever undertaken.

By Jeff Atwood ·

User-Friendly ASP.NET Exception Handling

I just posted a new article to CodeProject, User Friendly ASP.NET Exception Handling. I casually mentioned in the original article that I didn’t think a global unhandled exception management class designed for WinForms and console apps was appropriate for ASP.NET apps, and that I had a separate-but-equal

By Jeff Atwood ·

project management

Monster Project Management

Sometimes I feel like I learned everything I needed to know about software project management on Monster House. Monster House is a television show on The Discovery Channel. Five random builders and the host, Steve Watson, perform a “monster” makeover on someone’s home in five days. If the builders

By Jeff Atwood ·

task manager

Task Manager Extension

Shamelessly stolen from Scott Hanselman’s most excellent Ultimate Developer Tools List, Task Manager Extension is one of my favorite new addins. Like Notepad, Task Manager is something I use on a daily basis: it’s an essential part of my toolkit. I took a look at some replacements, but

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

Worse Is Better

Although it's a little hard to parse through, I was blown away by The Rise of “Worse is Better”, because it touches on a theme I've noticed emerging in my blog entries: rejection of complexity, even when complexity is the more theoretically correct approach. Two famous

By Jeff Atwood ·


Be Good at Your Job

One conclusion is clear, anyone who thinks that onshore developers will triumph because they are more skilled is very wrong. We've found that we can hire just as talented developers in India as we can in North America and Europe. – Martin Fowler I'm actually so excited

By Jeff Atwood ·



There's an interesting article documenting the dramatic uptake of .NET Want more proof .Net is taking off? Consider the following: In May, Forrester Research released a report that found 56 percent of developers polled consider .Net their primary development environment for 2004, compared with 44 percent for J2EE.

By Jeff Atwood ·

exception handling

Rethrowing Exceptions

There's a bit more subtlety to rethrowing exceptions than most developers realize. Although this topic is covered very nicely at The .NET Guy blog, here's another example: Try session = smgr.getSession(_strDocbaseName) Catch ex As Exception If ex.Message.IndexOf("authentication failed") > 0

By Jeff Atwood ·


VS.NET 2003 VB outlining broken

Evidently the VB code outlining support is completely broken in VS.NET 2003. Why hasn't this gotten more publicity? We used the code outlining features all the time at work in 2002, and they worked great. But after switching to VS.NET 2003 we noticed that selecting Edit,

By Jeff Atwood ·

virtual machine

Virtual PC 2004

This won't be news to a lot of you, but I was playing around with Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 today: And it's very cool. I know, I know, I'm probably the last developer on the planet to get wise to the benefits of virtual

By Jeff Atwood ·


I'm smarter than the Runtime!

One of the great features of .NET is the automatic garbage collection that absolves the developer of worrying about C++ style memory management, where for every allocate, there must be a destroy, or you're leaking. And yet, I frequently see overzealous developers write code like this: Public Function

By Jeff Atwood ·


My Buddy, Regex

I generally don't subscribe to the UNIX religion, but there is one area where I am an unabashed convert: regular expressions. Yeah, the syntax is a little scary, but for processing strings, nothing is more effective. The RegEx is the power drill of the programmer's toolkit:

By Jeff Atwood ·