software development


Don’t Acronymize Your Users

As a commenter noted in my previous post on how not to give a presentation, I have another complaint about software development presentations that I didn’t list. They’re chock full of meaningless acronyms. SOAP, BI, SOA, RDBMS, SGML, CRUD, RMS, RDBMS, XML, ORM, FAQ. I appreciate the need

By Jeff Atwood ·


Not All Bugs Are Worth Fixing

One thing that continually frustrates me when working with dedicated test teams is that, well, they find too many bugs. Don’t get me wrong. I want to be the first person to know about any bug that results in inconvenience for a user. But how do you distinguish between

By Jeff Atwood ·


Google is the Help Menu

Jensen Harris recently cited some Microsoft Office usability research which produced a rather counter-intuitive result: One of the most interesting epiphanies I’ve had over the last few years seems on the surface like a paradox: “help” in Office is mostly used by experts and enthusiasts. How can this be?

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

Code Reviews: Just Do It

In Humanizing Peer Reviews, Karl Wiegers starts with a powerful pronouncement: Peer review – an activity in which people other than the author of a software deliverable examine it for defects and improvement opportunities – is one of the most powerful software quality tools available. Peer review methods include inspections, walkthroughs, peer

By Jeff Atwood ·


Regex Performance

I was intrigued by a recent comment from a Microsoft Hotmail developer on the pitfalls they’ve run into while upgrading Hotmail to .NET 2.0: Regular Expressions can be very expensive. Certain (unintended and intended) strings may cause RegExes to exhibit exponential behavior. We’ve taken several hotfixes for

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

The Zen of Mustard and Pickles

A co-worker and I went over to Scott’s house today at around 1pm PST to pick something up for work. Scott just got a new television, so he demoed it for us, flipping through the channels, comparing HD signals to regular signals and so forth. As we were doing

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

New Year's Resolutions -- for Microsoft

For better or worse, I've been a Microsoft fan since Windows 3.1. Microsoft is far from perfect, but the alternatives were always so much worse. Can you imagine a dystopian future where we're all running IBM's OS/2 2004 and Lotus Notes Express?

By Jeff Atwood ·

ui/ux design

UI Follies, Volume III

Ever wonder how you could possibly find something in that complex, ten-tabbed options dialog? How about a search function on the options dialog, as featured in Quest's Toad for SQL Server []: Aside from the fact that it'

By Jeff Atwood ·


A Stopwatch Class for .NET 1.1

The first rule of performance testing is to measure, then measure again, then measure one more time just to be sure. NET 2.0 adds a handy Diagnostics.Stopwatch [] which is perfect for this kind of ad-hoc precision timing. A

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming practices

Why Programmers File the Worst Bug Reports

Who files better bugs? Users or developers? In How to Report Bugs Effectively [], Simon Tatham notes that software developers, contrary to what you might think, file some of the worst bug reports: > It isn't only non-programmers who produce

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

In praise of Beyond Compare

It's a shame that Beyond Compare isn't listed in more "favorite tool" lists. This amazing little folder and file differencing tool has earned its spot in my core toolset a dozen times over. Here's a screenshot of it in action: I'

By Jeff Atwood ·


Dysfunctional Specifications

The guys at 37signals think functional specs are worthless: Don't write a functional specifications document. Why? Well, there's nothing functional about a functional specifications document. Functional specifications documents lead to an illusion of agreement. A bunch of people agreeing on paragraphs of text is not real

By Jeff Atwood ·