social media

social media

Your Community Door

What are the real world consequences to signing up for a Twitter or Facebook account through Tor and spewing hate toward other human beings? Facebook reviewed the comment I reported and found it doesn’t violate their Community Standards. – Rob Beschizza (@Beschizza) October 15, 2014 As far as I can

By Jeff Atwood ·

social media

Please Read The Comments

I find the Don’t Read The Comments movement kind of sad. In 2006 I said that a blog without comments is not a blog and I stand behind that statement. There have been brief periods where my own blog has been temporarily without comments, but they will always come

By Jeff Atwood ·

social media

Url Shorteners: Destroying the Web Since 2002

Is anyone else as sick as I am of all the mainstream news coverage on Twitter? Don't get me wrong, I'm a Twitter fan, and I've been a user since 2006. To me, it's a form of public instant messaging -- yet

By Jeff Atwood ·


On Escalating Communication

I'm a big fan of Twitter. The service itself is nothing revolutionary; it's essentially public instant messaging. But don't underestimate the power of taking a previously siloed, private one-to-one communication medium and making it public. Why talk to one person when you could talk

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

URL Shortening: Hashes In Practice

I've become a big fan of Twitter. My philosophy is, when in doubt, make it public, and Twitter is essentially public instant messaging. This suits me fine. Well, when Twitter is actually up and running, at least. Its bouts of frequent downtime are legendary, even today. (I was

By Jeff Atwood ·

social media

Opting Out of Linked In

From the Wikipedia entry on Linked In: It is not possible to remove yourself from LinkedIn. Instead, you have to file a customer support ticket. This blurb neatly summarizes everything that’s wrong with the Linked In service. I’ve been a member of Linked In for almost two years

By Jeff Atwood ·

social media

Total Users Does Not Equal Total Usage

As of August 9th, 2006, MySpace has 100 million members. For reference, the population of California is approximately 36 million, and the population of the United States is approximately 300 million. I have a hard time believing that 1 in 3 Americans could conceivably be MySpace users. I’m not

By Jeff Atwood ·