Jeff Atwood

Indoor enthusiast. Co-founder of Stack Overflow and Discourse. Disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm talking about. Find me:

Bay Area, CA
Jeff Atwood

open source

Why Can't Microsoft Ship Open Source Software?

In Codeplex wastes six months reinventing wheels, Ryan Davis has a bone to pick with Microsoft: I saw an announcement [in March, 2007] that CodePlex, Microsoft's version of Sourceforge, has released a source control client. This infuriates me. This cool thing they spent six months (six!) writing is

By Jeff Atwood ·

computer science

Alan Turing, the Father of Computer Science

Charles Petzold was kind enough to send me a copy of his new book, The Annotated Turing: A Guided Tour Through Alan Turing's Historic Paper on Computability and the Turing Machine []. [] One

By Jeff Atwood ·


Open Wireless and the Illusion of Security

Bruce Schneier is something of a legend in the computer security community. He's the author of the classic, oft-cited 1994 book Applied Cryptography, as well as several well-known cryptography algorithms. The cheeky Norris-esque design above is a reference to the actor names commonly used in examples of shared

By Jeff Atwood ·

regular expressions

Regular Expressions: Now You Have Two Problems

I love regular expressions. No, I’m not sure you understand: I really love regular expressions. You may find it a little odd that a hack who grew up using a language with the ain’t keyword would fall so head over heels in love with something as obtuse and

By Jeff Atwood ·

web development

Smart Enough Not To Build This Website

I may not be smart enough to join Mensa [], but I am smart enough not to build websites like the American Mensa website. [] Do you see the mistake?

By Jeff Atwood ·


Revisiting the XML Angle Bracket Tax

Occasionally I'll write about things that I find sort of mildly, vaguely thought provoking, and somehow that writing turns out to be ragingly controversial once posted here. Case in point, XML: The Angle Bracket Tax. I'm still encountering people online who almost literally hate my guts

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming practice

The Ultimate Code Kata

As I was paging through Steve Yegge's voluminous body of work recently, I was struck by a 2005 entry on practicing programming: Contrary to what you might believe, merely doing your job every day doesn't qualify as real practice. Going to meetings isn't practicing

By Jeff Atwood ·


Department of Declaration Redundancy Department

I sometimes (often, actually) regress a few years mentally and forget to take advantage of new features afforded by the tools I'm using. In this case, we're using the latest and greatest version of C#, which offers implicitly typed local variables. While working on Stack Overflow,

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development practices

Coding For Violent Psychopaths

Today's rumination is not for the weak of heart. It's from the venerable C2 Wiki page Code For The Maintainer: Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live. Perhaps a little over the

By Jeff Atwood ·


Physics Based Games

I've always been fascinated by physics-based gameplay. Even going back to the primeval days of classic arcade gaming, I found vector-based games, with their vastly simplified 2D approximations of physics and motion, more compelling than their raster brethren. I'm thinking of games like Asteroids, Battlezone, and

By Jeff Atwood ·

code review

Don't Go Dark

Ben Collins-Sussman on programmer insecurity []: > What do you do when somebody shows up to an open source project with a gigantic new feature that took months to write? Who has the time to review thousands of lines of code? What if there

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

ASCII Pronunciation Rules for Programmers

As programmers, we deal with a lot of unusual keyboard characters that typical users rarely need to type, much less think about: $ # % {} * [] ~ & <> Even the characters that are fairly regularly used in everyday writing -- such as the humble dash, parens, period, and question mark -- have radically

By Jeff Atwood ·