In C# and the Compilation Tax, several commenters noted that they have “fast dual-core computers,” and yet background compilation performance was unsatisfactory for them on large projects. It’s entirely possible that this is Visual Studio’s fault. However, I’d like to point out that not all dual core
font settings
Scott Hanselman recently brought up the topic of IDE font and color schemes again. I’ve been in search of the ideal programming font and the ideal syntax colorization scheme for a while now. Here’s my current take on it.
As you can see, I’ve finally given in
programming languages
Inspired by my recent post on C# code snippets, I found a little console app by Francesco Balena* that enumerates all the snippets on your system along with their shortcut text.
I improved his console app and turned it into a convenient IDE macro along the lines of my keyboard
Microsoft recently released a complete set of C# code snippets for Visual Studio 2005. This brings C# to parity with VB.NET, which had many more code snippets “in the box.”
Unfortunately, Microsoft’s installation strategy for these new snippets leaves a lot to be desired. You can download and
Edit and Continue, which shipped in Visual Studio 2005, is generally regarded as A Good Thing. It’s pretty difficult to argue against the benefits of immediacy when debugging, but that isn’t about to stop some people:
* Frans Bouma
People who grew up with assemblers, the gnu commandline C
visual studio
Here’s a handy little Visual Studio .NET macro which searches for the currently highlighted term in Google. The search is launched as a new tab within the IDE when you press
I know what you’re thinking: you’ve seen this macro before. Yeah, but this one goes to
visual studio
One of the most enjoyable new features in Visual Studio .NET 2005 is Code Snippets. This animated GIF illustrates how it works:
I’m demonstrating three types of snippets here:
* simple expansion
* template expansion (with variables)
* surround
The easiest way to enter a code snippet is to begin typing part
programming languages
I’m currently working on a project where almost every function has its own region. At first I found this convention onerous, but as I used it, I saw why it was necessary. The default Visual Studio .NET outlining support leaves a lot to be desired. Take your typical commented
programming languages
I’ve been trying to improve my use of keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio .NET. Here are the ones I use most often, what I consider my “core” keyboard shortcuts:
Go to declaration
Debug: step over
Debug: run to cursor
ctrl + F10
Debug: step into
Debug: step
Inspired by Jeff Key’s, “If loving Resharper is wrong I don’t wanna be right” soliloquy, I emailed JetBrains to see if they had plans to bring Resharper – currently a C# only tool – to VB.NET. This was their response:
Of course there will be support for VB.NET,