user interface

user experience

This Is What Happens When You Let Developers Create UI

Deep down inside every software developer, there’s a budding graphic designer waiting to get out. And if you let that happen, you’re in trouble. Or at least your users will be, anyway: Joseph Cooney calls this The Dialog: A developer needed a screen for something, one or two

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

Office 2007 — not so WIMPy

In my opinion, the new Office 2007 user interface is one of the most innovative things to come out of Redmond in years. It’s nothing less than the death of the main menu as a keystone GUI metaphor. This is a big deal. Historically, where Office goes, everyone else

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

Menus and Toolbars Don't Scale

I’ve witnessed the death of the main menu. And toolbars are on their last legs, too. This screenshot* clinches it for me: Granted, very few people would install this many Firefox extensions. But between this and the Office 2003 debacle, it’s patently obvious that the whole menu-and-toolbar paradigm

By Jeff Atwood ·


STOP! Having Trouble?

From Engadget’s review of the iRiver H10: So the first thing we noticed about this player when we opened it up was, unfortunately, a huge orange flyer [. . .] From Larry Osterman’s review of the iRiver H10: My concerns started when I opened the box. To the left of the

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

Sometimes a Word is Worth a Thousand Icons

Pop quiz, hotshot. What do these toolbar icons do – and what application are they from? Okay, maybe that’s a bit too monochrome. Does color help? Okay, let’s try something less abstract. Does a more traditional look help? So we can see there’s some kind of VCR-like functionality,

By Jeff Atwood ·

web development

Getting Back to Web Basics

Every few years, Jakob Nielsen takes websites to task with a Top Ten Web Design Mistakes article. Although things have clearly improved since the original 1996 list, I’m particularly concerned that in the competitive frenzy to get all JavaScripted up for Web 2.0, we may be defeating the

By Jeff Atwood ·

ui/ux design

UI Follies, Volume III

Ever wonder how you could possibly find something in that complex, ten-tabbed options dialog? How about a search function on the options dialog, as featured in Quest's Toad for SQL Server []: Aside from the fact that it'

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

On the Death of the Main Menu

One of the biggest highlights of PDC 2005 was the first day keynote, when the Office 12 UI was unveiled []. I don't know if people realized the significance of what we saw at the time-- but we had just

By Jeff Atwood ·

ui design

Is UI still in the stone age?

The Top 8 reasons user interface design is in the stone age is more of a rant than a reasoned argument, but it's still worth reading. If UI design is in the stone age, why are there at least two sites which document known UI patterns? 1. UI

By Jeff Atwood ·


Don't Make Me Think, Second Edition

A reader recently pointed out that the second edition of Don't Make Me Think [] is about to be released. I know I've pimped this book ad nauseam, but I can't help myself-- it's

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

The User Interface Is The Application

Shawn Burke's post Shippin' Ain't Easy (but somebody gotta do it) explains why you have to resist change at the end of a project, no matter how justifiable and rational the reasons may be. Even the smallest change has a real risk of introducing additional

By Jeff Atwood ·


UI Follies: Windows Media Player Edition

Windows Media Player may be the only windows application with a UI that gets progressively worse with each new version. It is my media player of choice due only to overwhelming indifference on my part; I curse every time I use it. That's why I was so encouraged

By Jeff Atwood ·