user interface design

user experience

UI-First Software Development

We're currently in the midst of building the new web property I alluded to in a previous post. Before I write a single line of code, I want to have a pretty clear idea of what the user interface will look like first. I'm in complete

By Jeff Atwood ·

user interface design

The Peanut Butter Theory of User Interface Design

Task-Centered User Interface Design is a 1993 book delivered in digital shareware form, and also available as a PDF. Although it’s almost fifteen years old, it’s still highly relevant – a testament to the timelessness of studying human interface design principles. It was written by Clayton Lewis and John

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

Zoomable Interfaces

Asa Raskin, the son of the late Jef Raskin, recently gave a presentation at Google on the work his company, Humanized, is doing. It’s largely a continuation of the work of his father. One of the most interesting aspects of Jef’s work was zoomable user interfaces. Asa’s

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

Will Mouse Gestures Ever Be Mainstream?

Darwinia is the third game I’ve played with mouse gesture support: 1. Bungie’s classic 1998 game Myth used gestures in a limited way to indicate squad facing post-movement. 2. Lionhead’s 2001 game Black and White used gestures to invoke various spells. 3. Introversion Software’s 2005 game

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

Avoiding “Blank Page Syndrome”

One thing I dislike about classic WIMP GUI applications is the way they typically present you with a blank page at startup. Here's what Word 2003 looks like just after I launch it: This leads to Blank Page Syndrome: when presented with infinite choice, it's sometimes

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

On the Death of the Main Menu

One of the biggest highlights of PDC 2005 was the first day keynote, when the Office 12 UI was unveiled []. I don't know if people realized the significance of what we saw at the time-- but we had just

By Jeff Atwood ·


A Tribute to the Windows 3.1 “Hot Dog Stand” Color Scheme

Yesterday’s post about code syntax color schemes got me thinking about what is perhaps the ultimate color scheme, Windows 3.1’s “Hot Dog Stand”: The truly funny thing about this color scheme is that all the other Windows 3.1 color schemes are surprisingly rational, totally reasonable color

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

On Necessity

When working with users, I am frequently reminded of this conversation in David O. Russell’s movie Three Kings: 0:00 /0:51 1× GATES What is the most important thing in life? TROY What are you talking about? GATES What’s the most important thing? TROY Respect? GATES Too

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

A tale of two UIs

God bless whoever at Microsoft decided to build Calculator Plus, an unsupported free upgrade for calc.exe. On the other hand... who decided it was a good idea to skin the UI by default? My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing! Now compare that “upgraded” UI to the windows default,

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

User-Friendly Exception Handling

I just posted a new article on Code Project, User Friendly Exception Handling. This is a set of classes that deal with unhandled and handled exceptions through a consistent UI, as presented in Alan Cooper’s great book, About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design. Anyway, at the time

By Jeff Atwood ·