time management



What do you need to do today? Other than read this blog entry, I mean. Have you ever noticed that a huge percentage of Lifehacker [http://lifehacker.com/]-like productivity porn site content is a breathless description of the details of Yet Another To-Do Application? There are dozens upon dozens

By Jeff Atwood ·


Meetings: Where Work Goes to Die

How many meetings did you have today? This week? This month? Now ask yourself how many of those meetings were worthwhile, versus the work that you could have accomplished in that same time. This might lead one to wonder why we even have meetings at all. At GitHub we don&

By Jeff Atwood ·


Meet the Arch-Nemesis of Productivity: The Internet

In a world of 43Folders* and dozens of other blogs that worship at the altar of Getting Things Done, it’s a little surprising that nobody has taken aim at the #1 enemy of productivity everywhere: The Internet. Do you spend so much time obsessively keeping up with the latest

By Jeff Atwood ·

project management

Monster Project Management

Sometimes I feel like I learned everything I needed to know about software project management on Monster House. Monster House is a television show on The Discovery Channel. Five random builders and the host, Steve Watson, perform a “monster” makeover on someone’s home in five days. If the builders

By Jeff Atwood ·