I’ve been a Microsoft developer for decades now. I weaned myself on various flavors of home computer Microsoft Basic, and I got my first paid programming gigs in Microsoft FoxPro, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Visual Basic. I have seen the future of programming, my friends, and it is terrible
I have what I would charitably describe as a hate-hate
[http://www.google.com/search?q=site:codinghorror.com+email] relationship with
email. I desperately try to avoid sending email, not just for myself, but also
in the code I write.
Despite my misgivings, email is the cockroach of communication
I have decidedly mixed feelings about the book Beautiful Code, but one of the better chapters is Tim Bray's "Finding Things". In it, he outlines the creation of a small Ruby program:
counts = {}
counts.default = 0
ARGF.each_line do |line|
if line =~ %r{GET /ongoing/
Joseph Cooney reminds us that, in January 2005, 37signals went live with a
product they built in 579 lines of code
> You read that right, not 60,000 or 600,000 but instead a commercial project
written in less than
Steve Yegge’s whirlwind language tour is, as he points out, neither good nor complete, which makes it one of the best blog posts I've read this year. I’ll spoil the ending for you: according to Steve, Ruby combines the best features of Perl, Smalltalk, Python, and
programming languages
If you've ever viewed UNIX documentation, you've probably encountered variables
foo and bar at some point. Here's a Ruby example I found in the newsgroups:
foo = 0
bar = 0
1.times do
foo = 1
foo := 2
bar = foo+1
puts foo, bar
I have no problem with XML. It’s a fine way to store hierarchical data in a relatively simple, mostly human-readable format. But I’ve always disliked its companion technology, XSLT. While useful in theory – “using a simple XSLT transform, XML can be converted into anything!”– in practice, it takes