
tags: software development concepts

KeyTraino for Visual Studio 2005

Leon Bambrick is full of good ideas. Like KeyTraino, for instance: When you use the toolbar, the menus or the context-menus of an application, KeyTraino shows the alternative keystroke you could've used. Evidently someone at SlickEdit is wearing a tinfoil hat that transmits at the same frequency as

By Jeff Atwood ·


On Frameworkitis

Alex Gorbatchev, after a long hiatus, is blogging again. What was keeping him away? Frameworkitis. This is the longest break in posting I've had in the last 2.5 years of blogging. Community Server is really bringing me down… I just don't like it.

By Jeff Atwood ·


The Multitasking Myth

In Quality Software Management: Systems Thinking [], Gerald Weinberg proposed a rule of thumb to calculate the waste caused by project switching: Even adding a single project to your workload is profoundly debilitating by Weinberg's calculation. You lose 20% of

By Jeff Atwood ·


Meet the Arch-Nemesis of Productivity: The Internet

In a world of 43Folders []* and dozens of other blogs that worship at the altar of Getting Things Done [], it's a little surprising that nobody has taken aim at the #1 enemy of productivity everywhere: The

By Jeff Atwood ·

management practices

Peopleware Revisited

Kevin Kelly's Cool Tools list just selected a book from my recommended reading list. And it's one of my favorites, too. It's that perennial evergreen of project management, Peopleware: Hard-won wisdom fills this small book: How to create a team, place, or company that

By Jeff Atwood ·

keyboard shortcuts

Standard Browser Keyboard Shortcuts

All modern browsers have extensive keyboard shortcuts: * Internet Explorer * Firefox * Chrome * Safari I tested every shortcut, and here's my list of keyboard shortcuts that work in all browsers – or, for the rare keyboard shortcuts I found especially useful, those that work in at least two of the above

By Jeff Atwood ·


Improving the Clipboard

In this era of 3ghz processors, 1gb memory, and 500gb hard drives, why is the Windows clipboard only capable of holding a single item? Sure, you have fancy multi-level undo and redo in applications like Microsoft Word and Visual Studio. Did you know that the humble Windows textbox supports a

By Jeff Atwood ·


When Email Goes Bad

It's easy to fire off an email with barely any effort at all. And that's exactly how much effort goes into most emails: none. Ole Eichhorn's Tyranny of Email [] offers a succinct set of guidelines

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

Are All Programming Languages The Same?

There's a chart in Code Complete that compares the productivity of working in different languages: Programmers working with high-level languages achieve better productivity and quality than those working with lower-level languages. Languages such as C++, Java, Smalltalk, and Visual Basic have been credited with improving productivity, reliability, and

By Jeff Atwood ·


Schedule Games

Johanna Rothman posted a number of what she calls Schedule Games on her product development blog: 1. Schedule Chicken 2. 90% Done 3. Bring Me a Rock 4. Hope is Our Most Important Strategy 5. Queen of Denial 6. Sweep Under the Rug 7. Schedule Dream Time or Happy Date

By Jeff Atwood ·


Get Me The Laziest People Money Can Buy

Omar Shahine recently posted an inspiring ode to laziness: An email every few minutes and desktop alert + sound to go with it makes it to easy to lose focus on my task at hand and look at my inbox. While I loved this feature when Outlook came out, it’s

By Jeff Atwood ·