
Here’s The Programming Game You Never Asked For

programming languages

Here’s The Programming Game You Never Asked For

You know what’s universally regarded as un-fun by most programmers? Writing assembly language code. As Steve McConnell said back in 1994: Programmers working with high-level languages achieve better productivity and quality than those working with lower-level languages. Languages such as C++, Java, Smalltalk, and Visual Basic have been credited

By Jeff Atwood ·


Three Things

I’ve expressed my disillusionment with to-do lists before. But let’s try something simpler, a little experiment. What do you use to keep track of what you need to do? Hold it up, so I can see it. Humor me. Seriously! No no no, hold it closer, near the

By Jeff Atwood ·



What do you need to do today? Other than read this blog entry, I mean. Have you ever noticed that a huge percentage of Lifehacker []-like productivity porn site content is a breathless description of the details of Yet Another To-Do Application? There are dozens upon dozens

By Jeff Atwood ·


Meetings: Where Work Goes to Die

How many meetings did you have today? This week? This month? Now ask yourself how many of those meetings were worthwhile, versus the work that you could have accomplished in that same time. This might lead one to wonder why we even have meetings at all. At GitHub we don&

By Jeff Atwood ·


Nobody's Going to Help You, and That's Awesome

I'm not into self-help. I don't buy self-help books, I don't read productivity blogs, and I certainly don't subscribe to self-proclaimed self-help guru newsletters. Reading someone else's advice on the rather generic concept of helping yourself always struck me as

By Jeff Atwood ·


Email: The Variable Reinforcement Machine

How often do you check your email per day? Does checking your email make you more productive or less productive? Oh, sure, we delude ourselves into thinking we're being extra-productive by obsessively checking and responding to our email, but in reality we're attending too frequently to

By Jeff Atwood ·


Sharpening the Saw

As a software developer, how do you sharpen your saw? Sharpening the saw is shorthand for anything you do that isn't programming, necessarily, but (theoretically) makes you a better programmer. It's derived from the Covey book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. There's

By Jeff Atwood ·


Is Email = Efail?

While I've always practiced reasonable email hygiene, for the last 6 months I've been in near-constant email bankruptcy mode. This concerns me. Yes, it's partly my fault for being a world champion procrastinator, but I'm not sure it's entirely my

By Jeff Atwood ·

multiple monitors

Does More Than One Monitor Improve Productivity?

I've been a multiple monitor enthusiast since the dark days of Windows Millennium Edition. I've written about the manifold joys of many-monitor computing a number of times over the last four years: * Multiple Monitors and Productivity * Multiple LCDs * Joining the Prestigious Three Monitor Club * The Large

By Jeff Atwood ·

desktop organization

Your Desktop Is Not a Destination

I’m of two minds on the desktop. If you’re really using your computer, your desktop should almost never be visible. Your screen should be covered with information, with whatever data you’re working on. I can’t imagine why you’d willingly stare at a static background image

By Jeff Atwood ·

keyboard shortcuts

Going Commando – Put Down The Mouse

One of the quickest ways to increase your productivity on the computer is to go commando: stop using the mouse. When you stop relying on the mouse for everything, you’re forced to learn the keyboard shortcuts. Jeremy Miller calls this the first step to coding faster. I agree. Keyboard

By Jeff Atwood ·

multi-monitor setup

Joining The Prestigious Three Monitor Club

I have something in common with Bill Gates and Larry Page: Larry Page: I have a weird setup in my office. I have one computer with three monitors: one flat-screen monitor and two regular ones. I have my browser on one screen, my schedule on another and my e-mail on

By Jeff Atwood ·