
software development

A Visit from the Metrics Maid

For the last few days, I’ve been surveying a software project. Landing on a planet populated entirely by an alien ecosystem of source code can be overwhelming. That’s why the first first thing I do is bust out my software tricorder – static code analysis tools. The two most

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

I Heart Strings

Brad Abrams was a founding member of the .NET common language runtime team way back in 1998. He’s also the co-author of many essential books on .NET, including both volumes of the .NET Framework Standard Library Annotated Reference. I was at a presentation Brad gave to the Triangle .NET

By Jeff Atwood ·


Microsoft Doesn’t Trust .NET

Richard Grimes recently posted an Analysis of .NET Use in Longhorn and Vista, wherein he draws two conclusions: 1. Between PDC 2003 and the release of Vista Beta 1, Microsoft has decided that it is better to use native code for the operating system 2. Microsoft has shown no intention

By Jeff Atwood ·


Choosing between .NET Pepsi and .NET Coke

I’ve increasingly come to believe that the debate between C# and VB.NET is a red herring. Choosing between C# and VB.NET isn’t a meaningful choice. It’s like choosing between .NET Pepsi and .NET Coke. Either way, you’re getting a cola flavored carbonated beverage. If

By Jeff Atwood ·


.NET Pet Shop 4

Vertigo Software’s .NET Pet Shop 4.0 article just went live on MSDN. It’s Pet Shop! You know... our old pal, Pet Shop: However, unlike previous versions of Pet Shop, this version is not a benchmark comparison with Java. It’s purely a showcase for ASP.NET 2.

By Jeff Atwood ·


Return to the Planet of Managed Code Bloat

I just updated my post The Bloated World of Managed Code with baseline memory footprints for Console and Winforms apps in .NET 2.0. I’ll admit I am a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to managed code apps. Now that tiny, native BitTorrent clients are available such

By Jeff Atwood ·


A Stopwatch Class for .NET 1.1

The first rule of performance testing is to measure, then measure again, then measure one more time just to be sure. NET 2.0 adds a handy Diagnostics.Stopwatch [http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.diagnostics.stopwatch.aspx] which is perfect for this kind of ad-hoc precision timing. A

By Jeff Atwood ·

visual studio

Google search VS.NET macro

Here's a handy little Visual Studio .NET macro which searches for the currently highlighted term in Google. The search is launched as a new tab within the IDE when you press Alt+F1 I know what you're thinking: you've seen this macro before [http:

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development concepts

Managed Code Analysis Tools

Navigating a new codebase can feel like like landing on an alien planet. That's where static code analysis [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_code_analysis] tools come in handy; they're akin to software tricorders [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tricorder]. They provide a general snapshot

By Jeff Atwood ·


Clean Sources Plus

Omar Shahine's Clean Sources [http://wiki.shahine.com/default.aspx/MyWiki/CleanSources.html] is a nifty little right-click app for .NET developers: > This application does one thing. It adds an explorer shell menu to folders that when selected will recursively delete the contents of the bin, obj

By Jeff Atwood ·


TryParse and the Exception Tax

In .NET 1.1, TryParse is only available for the Double datatype [http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfSystemDoubleClassTryParseTopic.asp] . Version 2.0 of the framework extends TryParse to all the basic datatypes [http://www.mikepope.com/blog/DisplayBlog.aspx?permalink=1239]. Why do we care? Performance. Parse

By Jeff Atwood ·