If you engage in discussion on the Internet long enough, you’re bound to encounter it: someone calling someone else a troll.
The common interpretation of Troll is the Grimms’ Fairy Tales, Lord of the Rings, “hangs out under a bridge” type of troll.
Thus, a troll is someone who
I have the very great honor of speaking at this year's EclipseCon with one of my heroes, Clay Shirky.
The theme of this year's EclipseCon is collaboration -- so all the talks are presented by two speakers. Our talk, The Social Mind: Designing Like Groups Matter,
I can't remember when, exactly, I discovered Clay Shirky, but I suspect it was around 2003 or so. I sent him an email about micropayments, he actually answered it, and we had a rather nice discussion on the topic. I've been a fan of Clay'
It’s hard to pin down the exact etymology of the word Lazyweb, but it seems to have one primary meaning:
1. Asking a question of an internet audience in the hopes that they will be able to find a solution that you were too lazy or inexperienced to find
In response to Wil Shipley’s recent post about the lack of an iPhone SDK, a reader left this comment:
I often enjoy reading these entries, but you always come across as a little bit of an a**hole. Full of yourself, overly critical and a bit mean. Dismissing and
This Gawker post on blog clichés hits very close to home. It’s an “annotated list of words, phrases, and terms that have long overstayed their welcome in the media-blogosphere.” I’d have to agree. I’m guilty of a few of these, too.
* Best. [ultimate thing or experience.] Ever/