By now I’m sure you’ve at least heard of, if not already seen, the new Windows Vista advertisements featuring Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld. They haven’t been well received, to put it mildly, but the latest commercial is actually not bad in its longer 4 minute version:
ui design
Although I rather like Windows Vista -- I think the amount of Vista nerd rage out there is completely unwarranted -- there are areas of Vista I find hugely disappointing. And for my money, nothing is more disapponting than the overall fit and finish of Vista, which is truly abysmal.
file management
What is user space? User space is the location in the filesystem where users put their personal files-- their "stuff". Here's the user space folder structure in the Windows XP operating system:
Documents and SettingsUser
Application Data
Local Settings
My Documents
My Music
user experience
I'm one of the rare people who actually likes Windows Vista. Sure, it's far from what was originally promised in terms of features, but it's still a solid quality of life improvement from the crusty old 2001 version of Windows XP. Or at least
operating systems
Windows Vista has a radically different approach to memory management. Check out the “Physical Memory, Free” column in my Task Manager:
At the time this screenshot was taken, this machine had a few instances of IE7 running, plus one remote desktop. I’m hardly doing anything at all, yet I
user experience
Is it really necessary to qualify everything in Windows Vista with the “Windows” namespace?
Hey, guess what operating system this is!
At least the Vista start menu lets me do a containing search, so if I start typing ’fax,’ the menu dynamically filters itself to show only items containing what
windows vista
Now that Windows Vista Release Candidate 1 is sorta-kinda available to everyone, let’s see what it takes to run it. Here's a comparison of the Vista hardware requirements with the hardware requirements of Windows XP:
Windows XP (2001)Windows Vista (2007)CPU233 MHz800 MHz
(1 GHz recommended)