software development

How to Stop Sucking and Be Awesome Instead

software development

How to Stop Sucking and Be Awesome Instead

I've been fortunate to have some measure of success in my life, primarily through this very blog over the last eight years, and in creating Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange over the last four years. With the birth of our twin girls, I've had a few

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming concepts

So You Want to be a Programmer

I didn't intend for Please Don't Learn to Code to be so controversial, but it seemed to strike a nerve. Apparently a significant percentage of readers stopped reading at the title. So I will open with my own story. I think you'll find it

By Jeff Atwood ·
Books: Bits vs. Atoms

software development

Books: Bits vs. Atoms

I adore words, but let's face it: books suck. More specifically, so many beautiful ideas have been helplessly trapped in physical made-of-atoms books for the last few centuries. How do books suck? Let me count the ways: * They are heavy. * They take up too much space. * They have

By Jeff Atwood ·

community engagement

Listen to Your Community, But Don't Let Them Tell You What to Do

You know how interviewers love asking about your greatest weakness, or the biggest mistake you've ever made? These questions may sound formulaic, maybe even borderline cliche, but be careful when you answer: they are more important than they seem. So when people ask me what our biggest mistake

By Jeff Atwood ·


My Holiday in Beautiful Panau

There is a high correlation between "programmer" and "gamer". One of the first Area 51 sites we launched, based on community demand, was Despite my fundamental skepticism about gaming as a Q&A topic -- as expressed on episode 87 of Herding

By Jeff Atwood ·
The Vast and Endless Sea

software development

The Vast and Endless Sea

After we created Stack Overflow, some people were convinced we had built a marginally better mousetrap for asking and answering questions. The inevitable speculation began: can we use your engine to build a Q&A site about {topic}? Our answer was Stack Exchange. Pay us $129 a month (and

By Jeff Atwood ·

remote work

On Working Remotely

When I first chose my own adventure, I didn't know what working remotely from home was going to be like. I had never done it before. As programmers go, I'm fairly social. Which still means I'm a borderline sociopath by normal standards. All the

By Jeff Atwood ·


So You'd Like to Send Some Email (Through Code)

I have what I would charitably describe as a hate-hate [] relationship with email. I desperately try to avoid sending email, not just for myself, but also in the code I write. Despite my misgivings, email is the cockroach of communication

By Jeff Atwood ·


Microformats: Boon or Bane?

I recently added microformat support to the free public CVs at by popular demand. Designed for humans first and machines second, microformats are a set of simple, open data formats built upon existing and widely adopted standards. The official microformat "elevator pitch" tells us nothing

By Jeff Atwood ·


Stack Overflow Careers: Amplifying Your Awesome

That Stack Overflow thing we launched a year ago? It's been going pretty well so far. Of course, everyone knows you could code Stack Overflow in a long weekend. It's trivial. Assembling a worldwide community of smart, engaged software developers? That's a whole different

By Jeff Atwood ·

software engineering

Software Engineering: Dead?

I was utterly floored when I read this new IEEE article by Tom DeMarco (pdf). See if you can tell why. My early metrics book, Controlling Software Projects: Management, Measurement, and Estimates [1986], played a role in the way many budding software engineers quantified work and planned their projects. In

By Jeff Atwood ·

regular expressions

Testing With "The Force"

Markdown was one of the humane markup languages that we evaluated and adopted for Stack Overflow. I've been pretty happy with it, overall. So much so that I wanted to implement a tiny, lightweight subset of Markdown for comments as well. I settled on these three commonly used

By Jeff Atwood ·