social engineering

social engineering

I Just Logged In As You: How It Happened

In my previous post I Just Logged In As You, I disclosed that someone was logging in as me -- specifically because they discovered my password. But how? If I wanted to discover someone's password, I can think of a few ways: 1. Educated guess. If you know

By Jeff Atwood ·


Our Hacker Odyssey

Although I've never been more than a bush league hacker (at best), I was always fascinated with the tales from the infamous hacker zine 2600. I'd occasionally discover scanned issues in BBS ASCII archives, like this one, and spend hours puzzling over the techniques and information

By Jeff Atwood ·


Phishing: The Forever Hack

Most of the hacking techniques described in the 1994 book Secrets of a Super-Hacker are now laughably out of date. But not all of them. A few are not only still effective, but far more effective in the current era of ubiquitous internet access. As the author notes early in

By Jeff Atwood ·