
lcd panels

The IPS LCD Revolution

When I wrote about TN LCD panels 5 years ago, I considered them acceptable, despite their overall mediocrity, mostly due to the massive price difference. Unfortunately, the vast majority of LCDs on the market now are TN. You can opt to pay a little bit more for one of the

By Jeff Atwood ·


Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA)

Anti-aliasing has an intimidating name, but what it does for our computer displays is rather fundamental. Think of it this way – a line has infinite resolution, but our digital displays do not. So when we “snap” a line to the pixel grid on our display, we can compensate by imagineering

By Jeff Atwood ·

video technology

Next-Gen DVD: Are Those Additional Pixels Worth Your Money?

Next generation DVD formats promise a huge jump in resolution, from the 720 x 480 of standard DVD to the 1920 x 1080 of HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. Additional resolution is always welcome, of course. But it’s not free. You’ll have to purchase a HD-DVD or Blu-Ray player, and

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

Printer and Screen Resolution

A recurring theme in Edward Tufte’s books is the massive difference in resolution between the printed page and computer displays. Printed pages lend themselves to vastly greater information density. Sparklines are one particular technique of Tufte’s designed to exploit the greater resolution of the printed page. I was

By Jeff Atwood ·