

Coding Horror: Movable Type Since 2004

When I started this blog, way back in the dark ages of 2004, the best of the options I had was Movable Type. A Perl and MySQL based blogging platform may seem like an odd choice for a Windows-centric developer like me, but I felt it was the best of

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

Sex, Lies, and Software Development

Are there any programming jobs you wouldn't take? Not because the jobs didn't pay enough, had poor benefits, or limited upside -- but because the work itself made you uncomfortable? Consider the tale of one writer []: > Back in

By Jeff Atwood ·


Nobody Cares What Your Code Looks Like

In The Problems of Perl: The Future of Bugzilla, Max Kanat-Alexander* laments the state of the Bugzilla codebase: Once upon a time, Bugzilla was an internal application at Netscape, written in TCL. When it was open-sourced in 1998, Terry (the original programmer), decided to re-write Bugzilla in Perl. My understanding

By Jeff Atwood ·


In the beginning, there was Movable Type

Writing code all day sort of saps my will to come home and... write more code. With that in mind I set out to find existing blog software rather than rolling my own. Life’s just too short, and besides, never write what you can steal – right? I experimented with

By Jeff Atwood ·