pc building
I've had more or less the same PC, with various updates, since 2007. I've written about most of it here:
* Building a PC, Part I: Minimal boot
* Building a PC, Part II: Burn in
* Building a PC, Part III: Overclocking
* Building a PC, Part IV: Now
pc building
I previously documented the "Ultimate Developer Rig" I'm building for Scott Hanselman:
* Building a PC, Part I
* Building a PC, Part II
* Building a PC, Part III
I added a little bit of PC quieting magic as a finishing touch. Here's a picture of
Over the next few days, I'll be building Scott Hanselman's computer. My goal today is more modest: build a minimal system that boots.
I'd like to dispel the myth that building computers is risky, or in any way difficult or complicated. If you can
When the first version of Windows Media Center
[http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/mediacenter/default.mspx] was released in
summer 2003, I decided it was time to build my first home theater PC. After I
placed it in the living room, I realized I had made a terrible mistake: I