online behavior

They Have To Be Monsters

technology trends

They Have To Be Monsters

Since I started working on Discourse, I spend a lot of time thinking about how software can encourage and nudge people to be more empathetic online. That’s why it’s troubling to read articles like this one: My brother’s 32nd birthday is today. It’s an especially emotional

By Jeff Atwood ·
What is Trolling?

internet culture

What is Trolling?

If you engage in discussion on the Internet long enough, you’re bound to encounter it: someone calling someone else a troll. The common interpretation of Troll is the Grimms’ Fairy Tales, Lord of the Rings, “hangs out under a bridge” type of troll. Thus, a troll is someone who

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

Whatever Happened to Civility on The Internet?

In response to Wil Shipley’s recent post about the lack of an iPhone SDK, a reader left this comment: I often enjoy reading these entries, but you always come across as a little bit of an a**hole. Full of yourself, overly critical and a bit mean. Dismissing and

By Jeff Atwood ·