managed code


Return to the Planet of Managed Code Bloat

I just updated my post The Bloated World of Managed Code with baseline memory footprints for Console and Winforms apps in .NET 2.0. I’ll admit I am a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to managed code apps. Now that tiny, native BitTorrent clients are available such

By Jeff Atwood ·


Troubleshooting .NET performance using Peanut Butter

Here’s some excellent, concise advice on troubleshooting performance in managed code. It all starts with peanut butter, naturally: My last entry was some generic advice about how to do a good performance investigation. I think actually it’s too generic to be really useful – in fact I think it

By Jeff Atwood ·


On Managed Code Performance, Again

Managed code may be fat and slow, but it fares surprisingly well in Rico’s C# port of Raymond Chen’s C++ Chinese/English dictionary reader: Sure, the C++ version eventually outperforms the managed code by a factor of 2x, but what’s interesting to me – and what this graph

By Jeff Atwood ·


The bloated world of Managed Code

Mark Russinovich recently posted a blog entry bemoaning the bloated footprint of managed .NET apps compared to their unmanaged equivalents. He starts by comparing a trivial managed implementation of Notepad to the one that ships with Windows: First notice the total CPU time consumed by each process. Remember, all I’

By Jeff Atwood ·


On Managed Code Performance

My personal turning point on the importance of managed code was in September 2001, when the NIMDA worm absolutely crushed our organization. It felt like a natural disaster without the “natural” part – the first notable port 80 IIS buffer overrun exploit. We got literally zero work done that day, and

By Jeff Atwood ·