Unix turns 40: The past, present and future of a revolutionary OS is fascinating reading.
Forty years ago this summer, a programmer sat down and knocked out in one month what would become one of the most important pieces of software ever created.
In August 1969, Ken Thompson (pictured at
Today, bowing to customer demand [http://www.ideastorm.com/], Dell launched a
new series of desktops [http://www.dell.com/ubuntu] featuring the free,
open-source Ubuntu [http://www.ubuntu.com/] operating system.
To my knowledge, this is the first time Dell has ever offered any non-Microsoft
operating system on their
open source
The unofficial wikipedia blog entry The Future of Open Source Five Years Ago
[http://wikip.blogspot.com/2005/08/future-of-open-source-5-years-ago.html] makes
some fascinating comparisons between the adoption rate of Linux and the adoption
rate of Wikipedia.
> Server-side Linux is still a powerful force, but what happened to the