

New Job at Vertigo Software

I accepted a position at Vertigo Software today. You may know Vertigo from one or more of the following: * Quake II .NET (Managed C++) * IBuySpy (ASP.NET) * .NET Pet Shop (J2EE performance comparison) * Fitch & Mather (Windows DNA) * FotoVision, IssueVision (.NET Smart Client) I’m tremendously excited to join such

By Jeff Atwood ·


Rebuttal Rebuttal

You may remember TMC’s recent comparison of J2EE and .NET. Predictably, there was an IBM rebuttal to the study. Now there’s a Microsoft rebuttal to the rebuttal, which contains comments from both Microsoft and IBM. It’s interesting reading: IBM: The Middleware Company’s WebSphere J2EE programmers failed

By Jeff Atwood ·


Weeding out the Weak Developers with J2EE

I got into an interesting discussion today about that recently published report, Comparing Microsoft .NET and IBM WebSphere/J2EE. If you haven’t read it, there’s a summary at eWeek, but I definitely recommend downloading the full report for the details. If you’re too busy to do either

By Jeff Atwood ·