I accepted a position at Vertigo Software today.
You may know Vertigo from one or more of the following:
* Quake II .NET (Managed C++)
* IBuySpy (ASP.NET)
* .NET Pet Shop (J2EE performance comparison)
* Fitch & Mather (Windows DNA)
* FotoVision, IssueVision (.NET Smart Client)
I’m tremendously excited to join such
You may remember TMC’s recent comparison of J2EE and .NET. Predictably, there was an IBM rebuttal to the study. Now there’s a Microsoft rebuttal to the rebuttal, which contains comments from both Microsoft and IBM. It’s interesting reading:
IBM: The Middleware Company’s WebSphere J2EE programmers failed
I got into an interesting discussion today about that recently published report, Comparing Microsoft .NET and IBM WebSphere/J2EE. If you haven’t read it, there’s a summary at eWeek, but I definitely recommend downloading the full report for the details.
If you’re too busy to do either