

Mavis Beacon Ate My Brain!

You may be familiar with the classic Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing []* series of software from Broderbund. Well, Sega's sublime Typing of the Dead [] is like Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing ... if

By Jeff Atwood ·


The Game Controller Family Tree

Remember when anything you could possibly imagine could be controlled with a single stick and a single button []? Trace the evolution of human interaction in video gaming from 1980 to the present through this remarkable visual game controller family tree [http://www.axess.

By Jeff Atwood ·


What Would Blanka Do?

Sometimes you just gotta ask yourself: What Would Blanka Do? “Eventually, my nickname at school became Blanka. When I got into real fights, I even tried using some of his moves. They never worked,” said Gutierrez. “I often ask myself, what would Blanka do? I even met my wife because

By Jeff Atwood ·