

A Question of Programming Ethics

From the ACM Code of Ethics []:> As an ACM member I will 1. Contribute to society and human well-being. 2. Avoid harm to others. 3. Be honest and trustworthy. 4. Be fair and take action not to discriminate. 5. Honor property rights including

By Jeff Atwood ·


How To Advertise on Your Blog Without (Completely) Selling Out

I was saddened to read this blurb from danah boyd’s outstanding “MyFriends, MySpace” presentation at Harvard: My activist self wanted to believe that the users are aware of [ads], but sadly, that’s not the case. To them, seeing ads means that the service is free. Kids are so

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

Your Favorite Programming Quote

My all-time favorite programming quote has to be this Nathaniel Borenstein bon mot: It should be noted that no ethically-trained software engineer would ever consent to write a DestroyBaghdad procedure. Basic professional ethics would instead require him to write a DestroyCity procedure, to which Baghdad could be given as a

By Jeff Atwood ·