
software development

Is Eeyore Designing Your Software?

This classic Eric Lippert post [] describes, in excruciating, painful detail, exactly how much work it takes to add a single ChangeLightBulbWindowHandleEx function to a codebase at Microsoft: > One dev to spend five minutes implementing ChangeLightBulbWindowHandleEx.One program manager

By Jeff Atwood ·


If It Isn't Documented, It Doesn't Exist

Nicholas Zakas enumerates the number one reason why good JavaScript libraries fail [] : > Lack of documentation.

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development concepts

How to Write Technical Documentation

I was browsing around the CouchDb [] wiki [] yesterday when I saw Damien Katz' hilarious description [] of how technical documentation really gets written. You know, in the real world: > Welcome to

By Jeff Atwood ·


Avoiding Undocumentation

Have you ever noticed that much of the online MSDN .NET framework help is.. not helpful? Take the the MSDN help for the IBindingList.AddIndex method [] , for example: Scott Swigart calls this undocumentation, and elaborates further

By Jeff Atwood ·

arcade gaming

MAME Cocktail Arcade, documented

After two weeks of non-stop tweaking, I think my MAME Cocktail arcade is finally complete. I created a MAME cocktail project page documenting everything I’ve done so far with lots of pictures and links to the products I used, and the rationales behind the choices I made. Most of

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

The Magical Build Machine

Evidently, Jerry Dennany is a member of the build machine cult: One of the golden rules of modern software development is that one should build all software on a dedicated build machine. A build machine should: 1. Be well documented. This includes Version of the Operating System, Service Pack level,

By Jeff Atwood ·