software development
This classic Eric Lippert post
[] describes, in
excruciating, painful detail, exactly how much work it takes to add a single
ChangeLightBulbWindowHandleEx function to a codebase at Microsoft:
> One dev to spend five minutes implementing ChangeLightBulbWindowHandleEx.One
program manager
Nicholas Zakas enumerates the number one reason why good JavaScript libraries fail:
Lack of documentation. No matter how wonderful your library is and how intelligent its design, if you’re the only one who understands it, it doesn’t do any good. Documentation means not just autogenerated API references, but
software development concepts
I was browsing around the CouchDb wiki yesterday when I saw Damien Katz’ hilarious description of how technical documentation really gets written. You know, in the real world:
Welcome to the world of technical documentation!
The situation you are in is no different from any other tech writer. The technical
Have you ever noticed that much of the online MSDN .NET framework help is.. not
helpful? Take the the MSDN help for the IBindingList.AddIndex method
, for example:
Scott Swigart calls this undocumentation, and elaborates further
arcade gaming
After two weeks of non-stop tweaking, I think my MAME Cocktail arcade is finally complete. I created a MAME cocktail project page documenting everything I’ve done so far with lots of pictures and links to the products I used, and the rationales behind the choices I made.
Most of
software development
Evidently, Jerry Dennany is a member of the build machine cult:
One of the golden rules of modern software development is that one should build all software on a dedicated build machine.
A build machine should:
1. Be well documented. This includes Version of the Operating System, Service Pack level,