

Stack Overflow: None of Us is as Dumb as All of Us

I'm in no way trying to conflate this with the meaning of my last blog post, but after a six month gestation, we just gave birth to a public website. Of course, I'm making a sly little joke here about community, but I really believe in

By Jeff Atwood ·


All About My Cats!

Update 4/2/2007: In case it wasn’t clear, the topic of this post is part an April fool’s joke. Yes, those are our cats, and I love them to death, but I hope cat blogging is the last thing you’d expect from me. The other part

By Jeff Atwood ·


What’s Wrong With The Daily WTF

Alex Papadimoulis originally invited me to be a guest editor at The Daily WTF nearly six months ago. I was honored and accepted immediately. Since then, The Daily WTF has been rechristened Worse Than Failure. I’m a big fan of Alex and WTF; his blog is fantastic, and WTF

By Jeff Atwood ·