battery life

battery life

Why Does Windows Have Terrible Battery Life?

I've become a huge fan of touch computing. I believe that most things we think of as "computers" will be de-facto tablets, either in our pocket, in our hands, possibly even mounted on our wrists or forearms. I can't wait for the iPad 5

By Jeff Atwood ·


The Last PC Laptop

I've been chasing the perfect PC laptop for over a decade now. Though I've tolerated lugging around five to seven pound machines because I had to, laptops were always about portability first and most of all to me. I quickly gravitated to so-called ultraportable laptops as

By Jeff Atwood ·


How Much Power Does My Laptop Really Use?

I've determined power usage on my desktop and on my server, but I hadn't gotten around to testing the power usage of my laptop. As battery life is always a concern with a laptop, I was particularly curious to see which parts of the laptop draw

By Jeff Atwood ·