That Stack Overflow thing we launched a year ago? It's been going pretty well so far.
Of course, everyone knows you could code Stack Overflow in a long weekend. It's trivial. Assembling a worldwide community of smart, engaged software developers? That's a whole different ball of wax. Stack Overflow is a site by programmers, for programmers; it's only as good as the programmers who choose to participate.
Stack Overflow isn't about me. Or anybody else on the Stack Overflow team for that matter.Stack Overflow is you.
This is the scary part, the great leap of faith that Stack Overflow is predicated on: trusting your fellow programmers. The programmers who choose to participate in Stack Overflow are the "secret sauce" that makes it work. You are the reason I continue to believe in developer community as the greatest source of learning and growth. You are the reason I continue to get so many positive emails and testimonials about Stack Overflow. I can't take credit for that. But you can.
I learned the collective power of my fellow programmers long ago writing on Coding Horror. The community is far, far smarter than I will ever be. All I can ask – all any of us can ask – is to help each other along the path.
I am continually humbled by the skill and expertise of the programmers who volunteer time to Stack Overflow. These programmers graciously donate tiny slivers of their day to help us -- and themselves -- become better programmers. These 5 and 10 minute slices of effort, across hundreds of thousands of questions and answers, become a permanently archived (and creative commons wiki licensed) bread crumb content trail for future programmers to follow, edit, and contribute to themselves over time.
I'm thrilled to see Stack Overflow working so well for both askers and answerers; the "pay it forward" model of programmers helping their peers is exactly what we were shooting for. We'll never change the world, but it sure is nice to be able to improve our small corner of it just a little bit. Remember: bad code that isn't written, is bad code that another poor programmer won't have to debug. If we don't reach out to slaphelp new programmers and teach them the lessons we learned the hard way, who will? I'm only exaggerating a little when I say that the future of our entire profession depends on it.
If you're actively participating on Stack Overflow, we now have another way to convert those slices of effort into something that actively furthers your professional goals – Stack Overflow Careers.
What is It's a few things:
- a completely free, public CV hosting service for programmers, to share the cool stuff you've coded and created with the world.
- a way to explicitly link your Stack Overflow profile with your CV, to provide concrete examples of your communication skills and individual expertise to anyone who is interested.
- a better way to connect great programmers with the best programming jobs, for those who opt into the small annual listing fee.
In short, Stack Overflow Careers amplifies your awesome.
I won't lie to you. This is also a business. That's why there are nominal opt-in listing fees for those programmers interested in seeking employment, and substantial fees for hiring managers who want to tap into the smart developers who grok Stack Overflow.
update: I apologize if I wasn't clear. It is 100% free, forever, to create a public CV, put whatever HTML content you want in it, and link it to your Stack Overflow profile. Like so:
These are of course freely indexable and searchable on the web.
Beyond the free public component, there is a private (and completely optional) subscription component. For those programmers actively seeking employment, a small annual subscription fee allows inclusion in a private employer search UI. This is also explained in the faq and about.
That said, we're also trying to do something a bit different here. Something better than the endless, mind-numbing acronym sea of,, et al. Joel and I believe current hiring practices for programmers are incredibly broken. We think we can do better.
We love our work, and so should you. Our goal isn't to put warm bodies in front of interviewers. Our goal is to create love connections. Instead of avid programmers pursuing disinterested and distracted companies, it's the other way around -- savvy companies who understand the competitive advantages of having the best programmers will pursue you. We connect smart, engaged hiring managers who "get it" with top programmers who love to code.
If you love to code, too, I encourage you to create your own Stack Overflow CV. Keep it private, or make it public via the URL of your choice -- it's completely free either way. If you think you might be actively looking for a job in the next 3 years, take advantage of our outrageously low promotional pricing of $29 for a 3 year filing. That way, at any point in those 3 years, you can flip a switch and become visible to hiring managers. Or not. It's totally up to you.
(also, if you're hiring, and your company appreciates top software engineers -- and you think you can convince our tough audience of that -- email us)