Coding Horror Sightings

The free stickers were all mailed Monday. Here's a quick statistical breakdown, courtesy of my wife:

United States320

38 of the 50 states were represented. The states with zero sticker requests were: HI, KS, LA, MS, MT, ND, NM, RI, SD, VT, WV and WY. Here are the top 10 states:


And here's a similar breakdown for Canadian provinces:

British Columbia9
New Brunswick1
Nova Scotia1

Contrary to popular belief, I am fully aware that the United States isn't the only country in the world. Here's a breakdown of the international orders to date:

United Kingdom7
New Zealand1

Although the free sticker offer is over, you can still buy a set of 4 stickers for $3. They're usually mailed the same day.

Will Sullivan's is appropriately positioned next to a real coding horror. Bryan Likes created the infinite cat project recursive version.
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Here's one from my fellow developers at Vertigo. If you work with me, I'll give you a sticker. But only grudgingly. Sam Livingston-Gray put his to good use covering up that hideous Apple logo. Bonus points for real-life simulation!
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Matt Blodgett evidently doesn't own a digital camera. But he does have mad MS Paint skills. My old friend Geoff Dalgas created this animated version of the sticker.
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Brian Stephens works on Titan Quest, which doesn't play like a Coding Horror. Bryan Kramer sighted his at a Jacksonville, Florida Code Camp during a marathon not-for-profit coding session.
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David Howell gave his sticker a place of honor in his cube. Nathan Birkes used his sticker to pimp out his Grand Prix. Stylin'!
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Steve Makofsky works at Microsoft. Guess what part of Vista he worked on? Martin Marconcini is going for sticker symmetry on his Ford Focus.
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If you have any Coding Horror sticker or T-shirt "action shots", email them to me, and I'll post them here.

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