website performance

An Exercise Program for the Fat Web

web development

An Exercise Program for the Fat Web

When I wrote about App-pocalypse Now in 2014, I implied the future still belonged to the web. And it does. But it’s also true that the web has changed a lot in the last 10 years, much less the last 20 or 30. Websites have gotten a lot… fatter.

By Jeff Atwood ·

web development

Reducing Your Website’s Bandwidth Usage

Over the last three years, this site has become far more popular than I ever could have imagined. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. Finding an audience and opening a dialog with that audience is the whole point of writing a blog in the first place. But on the

By Jeff Atwood ·

http compression

HTTP Compression and IIS 6.0

HTTP compression is the ultimate no-brainer. The network is really slow, and CPU time is effectively free and getting faster and, uh, “free-er” every day. Compression typically reduces plaintext size by 75 percent: that quadruples your throughput! Every website should be serving up HTTP compressed pages to clients that can

By Jeff Atwood ·