web services


Custom wsdlHelpGenerator + webroot = error

Why are the smallest bugs in the .NET framework always the most disproportionately frustrating? Take the wsdlHelpGenerator element, for example. Sure, it seems straightforward enough; you want to replace the default crappy, random hash sorted list of Web Service methods with one that’s (shock!) in alphabetical order. I know,

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

Throwing better SOAP exceptions

I’m fairly happy with my global unhandled exception handler for WinForms and console apps. I also successfully adapted a version of it for use in ASP.NET apps, where it interfaces with the Application_Error event in global.asax: Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

By Jeff Atwood ·


Performance: Remoting vs. Web Services

This question comes up periodically, and Microsoft has a fairly definitive whitepaper on the topic, Performance Comparison: .NET Remoting vs. ASP.NET Web Services. The article has a number of charts with crazy legends, so let me provide a better one: ASMXWeb ServiceWS_TCP_BinaryWindows Service remoting host, TCP protocol,

By Jeff Atwood ·