web browser


The Infinite Version

One of the things I like most about Google's Chrome web browser is how often it is updated. But now that Chrome has rocketed through eleven versions in two and a half years, the thrill of seeing that version number increment has largely worn off. It seems they&

By Jeff Atwood ·


The Web Browser is the New Laptop

I've been reading a lot of good things about the emerging "netbook" category of subnotebooks: The term netbook refers to a category of small to medium sized, light-weight, low-cost, energy-efficient, Internet-centric laptops, generally optimized for Web surfing and e-mailing. Like any self-respecting nerd, I already own

By Jeff Atwood ·


The Dark Side of Extensions

One of the best things – if not the best thing – about Firefox is the rich, vibrant ecosystem of add-ons that has grown up around it. Almost anything you could possibly want to do with a web browser can be done with Firefox... if you're willing to hunt down

By Jeff Atwood ·

keyboard shortcuts

The Five Browser Shortcuts Everyone Should Know

Nobody has time to memorize a complete list of web browser keyboard shortcuts, and really, why should they? I only know a handful of web browser keyboard shortcuts, myself, and I probably use the same five shortcuts a hundred times a day. But not everyone knows about these five essential

By Jeff Atwood ·


Firefox Excessive Memory Usage

I like Firefox. I've even grown to like it slightly more than IE6, mostly because it has a far richer add-on ecosystem. But I have one serious problem with Firefox: This screenshot was taken after a few days of regular Firefox usage. That's over 900 megabytes

By Jeff Atwood ·