
regular expressions

Testing With "The Force"

Markdown was one of the humane markup languages that we evaluated and adopted for Stack Overflow. I've been pretty happy with it, overall. So much so that I wanted to implement a tiny, lightweight subset of Markdown for comments as well. I settled on these three commonly used

By Jeff Atwood ·


Making Developers Cry Since 1995

Michael Hunter’s blog byline is unapologetically over-the-top: making developers cry since 1995. That’s probably why he’s such an awesome tester. Well, that, and the braids. Never before in the history of testing professionals have the top and bottom halves of a man’s head been so mismatched.

By Jeff Atwood ·


Not All Bugs Are Worth Fixing

One thing that continually frustrates me when working with dedicated test teams is that, well, they find too many bugs. Don’t get me wrong. I want to be the first person to know about any bug that results in inconvenience for a user. But how do you distinguish between

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development concepts

The Difficulty of Dogfooding

Joel, on the merits of dogfooding: Eating your own dog food is the quaint name that we in the computer industry give to the process of actually using your own product. I had forgotten how well it worked, until a month ago, I took home a build of CityDesk (thinking

By Jeff Atwood ·