tags: software development concepts

tags: software development concepts

Coding Without Comments

If peppering your code with lots of comments is good, then having zillions of comments in your code must be great, right? Not quite. Excess is one way good comments go bad [https://blog.codinghorror.com/when-good-comments-go-bad/]: '************************************************* ' Name: CopyString ' ' Purpose: This routine copies a string from

By Jeff Atwood ·

tags: software development concepts

KeyTraino for Visual Studio 2005

Leon Bambrick is full of good ideas. Like KeyTraino, for instance: When you use the toolbar, the menus or the context-menus of an application, KeyTraino shows the alternative keystroke you could’ve used. Evidently someone at SlickEdit is wearing a tinfoil hat that transmits at the same frequency as Leon’

By Jeff Atwood ·