
The Tablet Turning Point

mobile devices

The Tablet Turning Point

Remember how people in the year 2000 used to say how crazy and ridiculous it was, the idea that Anyone Would Ever Run Photoshop in a Web Browser? I mean come on. Oops. One of my big bets with Discourse is that eventually, all computers will be tablets of varying

By Jeff Atwood ·

battery life

Why Does Windows Have Terrible Battery Life?

I’ve become a huge fan of touch computing. I believe that most things we think of as “computers” will be de-facto tablets, either in our pocket, in our hands, possibly even mounted on our wrists or forearms. I can’t wait for the iPad 5 this week (I’ll

By Jeff Atwood ·

mobile devices

The PC is Over

MG Siegler writes: The PC is over. It will linger, but increasingly as a relic. I now dread using my computer. I want to use a tablet most of the time. And increasingly, I can. I want to use a smartphone all the rest of the time. And I do.

By Jeff Atwood ·