

A Lesson in Control Simplicity

I was struck, the other day, by how much I had to think when attempting to heat up my sandwich in the microwave. There are so many controls: a clock, a set of food-specific buttons, defrost and timer controls, and of course a full numeric keypad. Quick! What do you

By Jeff Atwood ·


Keeping The Menu Simple

In-N-Out Burger is a fast food institution here in California. Part of their appeal, I think, is their radically simplified menu. Instead of forcing customers to process a complex menu with a hundred choices, In-N-Out got real and pared it down to what really matters: a burger, fries, and a

By Jeff Atwood ·


In Pursuit of Simplicity

John Maeda created quite a stir with his montage of the Yahoo and Google homepages from 1996 to 2006 in simple is about staying simple []: Although Philipp Lenssen has posted on this topic before (he calls it the portal plague [http:

By Jeff Atwood ·


Presentation Zen

So I've been critical of other people's presentations []. Which naturally leads to a few questions: * What makes a presentation good? * Why don't you try giving a presentation? I realize that giving presentations isn't easy. But I still

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development concepts

Head First Design Patterns

I'm beginning to wonder if the book Head First Design Patterns would be better titled Ass Backwards Design Patterns. Here are some quotes from pages 594 and 595 of this 629 page book: First of all, when you design, solve things in the simplest way possible. Your goal

By Jeff Atwood ·