

The Importance of Sitemaps

So I've been busy with this Stack Overflow thing over the last two weeks. By way of apology, I'll share a little statistic you might find interesting: the percentage of traffic from search engines at Sept 16th one day after public launch10% October 11th

By Jeff Atwood ·

web development

The Great Dub-Dub-Dub Debate

Pop quiz, hotshot. Which one is the superior Uniform Resource Locator? or This is one of those intractable problems. Global wars have been fought over so much less. In hacker circles, this is sometimes referred to as a bikeshed discussion. That said, I do have

By Jeff Atwood ·


How To Achieve Ultimate Blog Success In One Easy Step

Always Be Jabbing. Always Be Shipping. Always Be Firing. It's the same advice, stated in different ways for different audiences. My theory is that lead generation derives from Google rank and that the best way to increase Google rank is to be like a professional fighter: neither jabs

By Jeff Atwood ·


SEOs: the New Pornographers of the Web

There's something about the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry that I find highly distasteful. I've never quite been able to put my finger on it, until I read Rich Skrenta's pornographers vs. SEOs []

By Jeff Atwood ·


Unbreakable Links Revisited

Philipp Lenssen pointed out that my concept of Unbreakable Links is, unsurprisingly, not a new one. It’s also known as * Memomark * Google URL * Googlenym * Robust Hyperlinks All of these terms really refer to the same thing: using a search engine to build an unique URL. However, there are some

By Jeff Atwood ·


Building Unbreakable Links

I was reading through some of the DataGrid Girl’s oh-so-cute article links, and I encountered a few dead ones. It’s not really Marcie’s fault; dead links are inevitable on any page as it ages. Such is the nature of absolute links. For example, this one: http://msdn.

By Jeff Atwood ·