

Performance: Remoting vs. Web Services

This question comes up periodically, and Microsoft has a fairly definitive whitepaper on the topic, Performance Comparison: .NET Remoting vs. ASP.NET Web Services. The article has a number of charts with crazy legends, so let me provide a better one: ASMXWeb ServiceWS_TCP_BinaryWindows Service remoting host, TCP protocol,

By Jeff Atwood ·


Grand Unification Theory

We recently switched to VS.NET 2003 (.NET 1.1) at work, yet we’re still using third party assemblies compiled under .NET 1.0. Now, ideally, you’d want assemblies recompiled to be sure that they are running as .NET 1.1. We happen to have a source license

By Jeff Atwood ·



There’s an interesting article documenting the dramatic uptake of .NET: Want more proof .Net is taking off? Consider the following: In May, Forrester Research released a report that found 56 percent of developers polled consider .Net their primary development environment for 2004, compared with 44 percent for J2EE. In

By Jeff Atwood ·

exception handling

Rethrowing Exceptions

There’s a bit more subtlety to rethrowing exceptions than most developers realize. Although this topic is covered very nicely at The .NET Guy blog, here’s another example: Try session = smgr.getSession(_strDocbaseName) Catch ex As Exception If ex.Message.IndexOf("authentication failed") > 0 Then Throw

By Jeff Atwood ·


I’m smarter than the Runtime!

One of the great features of .NET is the automatic garbage collection that absolves the developer of worrying about C++ style memory management, where for every allocate, there must be a destroy, or you’re leaking. And yet, I frequently see overzealous developers write code like this: Public Function CrazyFunction(

By Jeff Atwood ·


Athlon 64: Developer’s Choice

I’ve commented on .NET compiler performance before, and I recently uncovered another Xbit Labs article that confirms my previous conclusion: For compiling .NET code, the Athlon 64 is 33% faster than a Pentium 4 of the same speed. That’s a significant productivity boost for a developer. Time spent

By Jeff Atwood ·


Visual Diff Tools

I’m currently building a .NET library that constructs .MHT files, aka single file web page archives. That’s what you get when you perform a File | Save As | Web Archive, Single File operation in IE6. HTML is a great, standard format for building richly formatted one-off reports, but once

By Jeff Atwood ·


About... The About Box

You’d think someone would have written a decent, generic .NET About Box by now. Well, if it’s out there, I couldn’t find it! The About Box isn’t an essential part of any application, but my research (and practical experience) indicates it has two key uses: * For

By Jeff Atwood ·


.NET Compiler Performance

After working with VB6 and “classic” ASP for so long, I got spoiled with effectively nonexistent compile times. Part of that, of course, is due to how old the environments are – or were. I remember using VB5 shortly after its release on Pentium 1 class hardware, and it wasn’t

By Jeff Atwood ·


In the beginning, there was Movable Type

Writing code all day sort of saps my will to come home and... write more code. With that in mind I set out to find existing blog software rather than rolling my own. Life’s just too short, and besides, never write what you can steal – right? I experimented with

By Jeff Atwood ·