internet security


CAPTCHA is Dead, Long Live CAPTCHA!

In November 2007 I called these three CAPTCHA implementations "unbreakable": Google (unbreakable) Hotmail (unbreakable) Yahoo (unbreakable) 2008 is shaping up to be a very bad year indeed for CAPTCHAs: * Jan 17: InformationWeek reports Yahoo CAPTCHA broken * Feb 6: Websense reports Hotmail CAPTCHA broken * Feb 22: Websense reports Google

By Jeff Atwood ·


Digital Certificates: Do They Work?

The most obvious badge of internet security is the "lock" icon. The lock indicates that the website is backed by a digital certificate: 1. This website is the real deal, not a fake set up by criminals to fool you. 2. All data between your browser and that

By Jeff Atwood ·