http compression

Searching all Cities

If you’ve ever used – a fantastic and rather odd resource – you may have noticed that it’s heavily biased towards per-city searches. This is a pain if you want to do a national search across all cities that operates sites for. A while back, I

By Jeff Atwood ·

HTTP Compression via HttpModule

I’ve talked about HTTP compression in IIS 6.0, and HTTP compression using Net.WebClient, but what about deploying ASP.NET websites to servers you don’t control, e.g., third party hosts? How can we enable compression in that scenario? We can implement HTTP compression on a per-website

By Jeff Atwood ·

http compression

HTTP Compression and IIS 6.0

HTTP compression is the ultimate no-brainer. The network is really slow, and CPU time is effectively free and getting faster and, uh, “free-er” every day. Compression typically reduces plaintext size by 75 percent: that quadruples your throughput! Every website should be serving up HTTP compressed pages to clients that can

By Jeff Atwood ·