

Your Session Has Timed Out

How many times have you returned to your web browser to be greeted by this unpleasant little notification: > Your session has timed out. Please sign in again. If you're anything like me, the answer is lots. What's worse is that you're usually kicked

By Jeff Atwood ·


Localhost HTTP Debugging with Fiddler

I’ve had great success using ethernet sniffers (such as Etherdetect, or Ethereal) to troubleshoot communication problems. Installing a sniffer, even after installing the required WinPcap packet capture library, doesn’t require a reboot. I frequently use sniffers to troubleshoot servers and desktops alike. Ethernet sniffers should be a standard

By Jeff Atwood ·


Blocking Image Bandwidth Theft with URL Rewriting

I like to periodically watch the HTTP traffic on my server. I can see what I’m actually serving up over the wire, and how much bandwidth I’m using. That’s how I noticed that I’ve become somewhat popular with direct-link image bandwidth thieves. In other words, people

By Jeff Atwood ·


Throwing Better .NET Exceptions with SOAP and HTTP

In a recent entry,  I bemoaned the lack of good global error handling options for .NET Web Services. By “good” I mean “easy,” like the Application_Error event in Global.asax for ASP.NET websites. I have a pretty solid web-oriented generic unhandled exception class, which is documented in my

By Jeff Atwood ·