

The Dark Side of Extensions

One of the best things – if not the best thing – about Firefox is the rich, vibrant ecosystem of add-ons that has grown up around it. Almost anything you could possibly want to do with a web browser can be done with Firefox... if you're willing to hunt down

By Jeff Atwood ·


Firefox as an IDE

Although I prefer IE7’s native speed and feel for day-to-day browsing chores, there’s no doubt that Firefox is my primary web development IDE. Whenever I need to troubleshoot HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, I immediately reach for Firefox. That’s primarily because of two incredibly powerful developer extensions for

By Jeff Atwood ·


Non-Native UI Sucks

It’s common knowledge that Mac users prefer Safari to Firefox. It is the browser bundled with the OS – and we know how that generally works out. But it’s not just a monopoly play; there are legitimate reasons for Mac users to choose Safari: Mac users favor [Safari] for

By Jeff Atwood ·

web browsers

Buy the Community, Not the Product

Now that Internet Explorer 7.0 is final, the browser wars can begin again in earnest. It’s clear that users should upgrade, because IE6 is so ancient. Security concerns alone compel an upgrade. But should IE6 users upgrade to IE7, or should they choose an alternative? This comment in

By Jeff Atwood ·


Firefox Excessive Memory Usage

I like Firefox. I’ve even grown to like it slightly more than IE6, mostly because it has a far richer add-on ecosystem. But I have one serious problem with Firefox: This screenshot was taken after a few days of regular Firefox usage. That’s over 900 megabytes of memory

By Jeff Atwood ·

browser speed tests

A need for speed - and silence

Wondering which browser is fastest? These guys ran browser speed tests across an impressive array of operating systems. The hardware used is mildly obsolete by today’s standards – an 800mhz P3 with 256mb of RAM – but there’s no reason to think the benchmark results wouldn’t scale to faster

By Jeff Atwood ·