
technology trends

They Have To Be Monsters

Since I started working on Discourse, I spend a lot of time thinking about how software can encourage and nudge people to be more empathetic online. That's why it's troubling to read articles like this one [https://medium.com/@stephaniewittelswachs/the-end-of-empathy-5d8383b066d3]: > My brother’s 32nd

By Jeff Atwood ·

community moderation

What If We Could Weaponize Empathy?

One of my favorite insights on the subject of online community is from Tom Chick [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Chick]: > Here is something I've never articulated because I thought, perhaps naively, it was understood: The priority for participating on this forum is not the quality

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

Users Don't Care About You

Seth Godin showed this slide during a recent presentation at Google [http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6909078385965257294]: > Users don't care about YOU. What's the biggest web design mistake of 2004? [http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/biggest-web-design-mistakes-in-2004.html] > 1. Believing people care about you and

By Jeff Atwood ·