
They Have To Be Monsters

technology trends

They Have To Be Monsters

Since I started working on Discourse, I spend a lot of time thinking about how software can encourage and nudge people to be more empathetic online. That’s why it’s troubling to read articles like this one: My brother’s 32nd birthday is today. It’s an especially emotional

By Jeff Atwood ·
What If We Could Weaponize Empathy?

community moderation

What If We Could Weaponize Empathy?

One of my favorite insights on the subject of online community is from Tom Chick: Here is something I’ve never articulated because I thought, perhaps naively, it was understood: The priority for participating on this forum is not the quality of the content. I ultimately don’t care how

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

Users Don’t Care About You

Seth Godin showed this slide during a recent presentation at Google: Users don’t care about YOU. What’s the biggest web design mistake of 2004? 1. Believing people care about you and your web site. Why isn’t anyone reading our blog? 1. You’re not a good-looking female

By Jeff Atwood ·