

So You'd Like to Send Some Email (Through Code)

I have what I would charitably describe as a hate-hate [] relationship with email. I desperately try to avoid sending email, not just for myself, but also in the code I write. Despite my misgivings, email is the cockroach of communication

By Jeff Atwood ·


Is Email = Efail?

While I've always practiced reasonable email hygiene, for the last 6 months I've been in near-constant email bankruptcy mode. This concerns me. Yes, it's partly my fault for being a world champion procrastinator, but I'm not sure it's entirely my

By Jeff Atwood ·


Please Give Us Your Email Password

A number of people whose opinions I greatly respect have turned me on to Yelp over the last six months or so. Yelp is a community review site, and a great way to discover cool new places in whatever neighborhood you happen to be in. I've enjoyed using

By Jeff Atwood ·


When Email Goes Bad

It's easy to fire off an email with barely any effort at all. And that's exactly how much effort goes into most emails: none. Ole Eichhorn's Tyranny of Email [] offers a succinct set of guidelines

By Jeff Atwood ·

spam filtering

POPFile vs. POPFile

In my previous blog entry on some plan(s) for spam, I mentioned that I didn’t care for challenge/response “human-only” whitelists. I couldn’t put my finger on exactly why I felt that way... until I happened upon this John Graham-Cumming PowerPoint presentation: I don’t “do” Challenge/

By Jeff Atwood ·